Welcome to
for Clairvoyant Students & Graduates of the
This site is for advanced programs and events for students, graduates, & staff of the Berkeley Psychic Institute
If you are new to BPI, please visit BerkeleyPsychic.com
Our Psychic Kindergarten Events Calendar lists many upcoming offerings, with some open to all while others have prerequisites (please see specific events for details)
Please also explore the Berkeley BPI, Sacramento BPI, Santa Rosa BPI, and Divine Healing Center for more offerings
The CDM/BPI Calendar is primarily for clairvoyant students, graduates, & staff
Psychic Tours is a sandbox within CDM that creates workshops, healing events, retreats, & pilgrimages
Explore Psychic Tours to find opportunities to travel the world with other psychics, as well as for special class and workshop offerings
Many Berkeley Psychic Institute graduates offer professional psychic readings and spiritual counselings
Find the Professional Reader that lights up for you
For those who have completed our Clairvoyant Program, a variety of spaces exist to continue your spiritual exploration
Visit our Graduate Programs page to learn more
Women’s Intuitive Training (WIT) is a special monthly lecture series open to all women, where we ground our ovaries, run our female creative energy, and receive healings
Find WIT Lectures and other offerings for women on our Women’s Events page
Your Own Birth (YOB) is a special class that was first taught by our Founder, VRR Dr. Lewis S. Bostwick
The Your Own Birth space offers a variety of classes and workshops
Our Men’s Intuitive Meditations are a place for men to meditate on a topic and to run their male energy
Find Men’s Intuitive Meditations and other offerings for men on our Men’s Events page