Women’s Healing Program

The Women’s Healing Program is a one-year sanctuary designed to support each woman in her spiritual growth and awareness

This program begins April 1st, 2025 and is repeatable

Learn more at our upcoming Women’s Healing Program Open Houses:

Have a mock-up to join? There is still time to ground your path.

Rev. Shareen (WHP Dean) or Rev. Karimah (Graduate Director)

Currently all Open Houses have been completed for both participants and staffing.

The Women’s Healing Program

A sanctuary space for women, where each woman has permission to know, explore, heal and express the power of her own spirit, in her own female body, in present time.

Everyone is the same: a spirit in a female body; and each one in the program is a unique individual with unique goals.

The Women’s Healing Program is crafted to the individual, for them to receive their mock-ups and achieve their goals, while maintaining a structure to support them.

Estimated time minimum commitment is approximately 500 hours for the year.

25 hours a month plus special event participation.

See below to register

Learn more about the Women’s Healing Program’s details & requirements

For additional questions or to schedule an Energy Check, please contact:

Rev. Shareen (WHP Dean) or Rev. Karimah (Graduate Director)

Complete Program Sign-up Process includes:

Having a present time CDM membership level 1,

A signed Program Agreement (below) + $50 monthly SPA donation,

Program Tithe Pledge , and

Spiritual Goals Meeting with Program Dean and Mentor

Interested in Staffing? Visit our WHP Staffing page

Join the Women’s Healing Program

Create a Spiritual Agreement for the Women’s Healing Program

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