Your Own Birth (YOB)

Please join us at our upcoming YOB sessions and workshops.

Welcome to Your Own Birth

What is YOB?

Your Own Birth (aka YOB) is a special class that was first taught by our Founder VRR Dr. Lewis S. Bostwick.  He knew that in order to move specific energies you sometimes have to go back to conception and work pictures from that point to birth.

Each YOB 6-week class series will take you from preconception to birth meditating on how your family's pictures and energies affected your body this lifetime, and creating space for you to change and heal yourself.

See Below for FAQ and Info on Healing Packages for YOB Growth Period Support

Answers to frequently asked questions.

Can I take YOB?

If you have a body, you were in fact born, you can YOB.

Prerequisites: Strongly recommended that you have completed Meditation 1 and Healing 1, Women’s Intuition, or Male 1.

Is YOB only for Women?

Yes. and No.

We recognize that sometimes it is easier for energy to be worked when women are with women and men are with men. Sometimes it is fun to have the contrast to see the energy differently.

Some YOB 6 week sessions are only for Women.

Some of the YOB 6 week sessions are only for Men.

Once a year we offer an all gender session, and some all gender workshops.

Not all themes are offered in all ways each session, so verify the description.

Why do the YOB events have different names?

YOB has Themes: We like to keep things in kindergarten. To help make it more simple, each series is focused on a specific theme, narrowing the focus of the energy. You are complex and have hidden depths. Looking at yourself through many lenses and focuses honors that complexity, and is why you can register and experience the Your Own Birth sessions each time through a different topic.

YOB is Repeatable: There is a LOT of energy present during the 9 months it took to become human. Some of the energy is yours, some of the energy is because each of your parents, their families, the communities they were part of, and the world, all the humans were also experiencing life journeys. It may be beneficial to look at the energy more than once.

Do I have to register for the entire 6 weeks?

No. It is recommended that you attend the full six weeks, and you are also free to attend any of the class events in any session that you meet the prerequisites for attending.

YOB Companion Healing Packages

Our Companion Healing Package for YOB is recommended for participants who are registered for all 6 weeks.

You will have 60 days from purchase to complete all healings and readings. This support package is to help support you with your spiritual growth during this class.

YOB Women’s Healing Package

This healing package is for women in the YOB Relationships Series (February 12 - March 18)

It includes an energy check from the Women’s Chancellor, 2 women's clinic healings, 1 women's graduate reading, and one psychic fair admission for a female tune up and fair readings (one each on family, relationships, and next steps or spiritual path). Contribution is $140

Please let the healers and readers know you are on this healing package and what your healing goal is.