Couples Retreat
Having Fun in Partnership
Friday, February 17th to Sunday, February 19th
Online and in-person in at the Sonoma Coast Villa
Join us in guided meditation and healing as we explore the vibration of your relationship. As a couple you will look at your goals, schedules, and commitments through the spiritual lens.
Do you get into a routine that doesn’t allow for creativity? Play? Fun?
When we create patterns with our romantic partner long term these patterns start to define our relationship, even if we have grown beyond them or maybe gotten bored with them.
Weekend Schedule:
7:30pm - Workshop: Balance
Clear your partnership of other demands that move your relationship down the priority list.
10:00am - Workshop: Playfulness
Create a new vision of how to be playful in the relationship.12:00pm - Break
4:00pm - Workshop: Love Languages
Are you speaking each other’s language?
10:00am - Workshop: Relationship Goals Triangle
Physical/Sexual, Emotional/Spiritual, & Agreements/Havingness
All couples will be expected to do the activities assigned for the weekend on their own time.
Activites will include:
Making a meal together
Getting healings together
Extra activities as assigned by the teachers
You are welcome to join for the whole weekend or for specific workshops.
If you are joining in-person, please book your room directly with the Sonoma Coast Villa.
Please visit the Couples Retreat page for more information, and please note that workshop donations do not include lodging or meals.
Workshop donations do not include retreat lodging or meals
Please note that workshop donations do not include lodging or meals