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Your Own Birth - Summer Workshop Series: Hello Dad

Your Own Birth
Summer Workshop Series

Mondays, July 8th, 15th, & 29th
7:30pm - 10:00pm Pacific Time

Recommended: Meditation 1

Teachers: Rev. Laura & Rev. Ovi

Each of the 3 weeks of our YOB Summer Workshop Series focuses on a different aspect of your creation:

  • July 8th - Week 1: Hello Mom: Meditate on your Mom’s experience of your pregnancy, and how her energy affected you then and where that is still affecting you now

  • July 15th - Week 2: Hello Dad: Meditate on your Dad’s experience of your pregnancy, and how his energy affected you then and where that is still affecting you now

  • July 29th - Week 3: Hello YOU: Meditate on you, as an individuated spirit in your own body… How was your experience of your pregnancy and birth, and where are you using and experiencing those energies now?

If you’ve never tried a YOB course, the summer YOB workshop series is a short dip into the vast energies you as a spirit experienced as your body was being formed. It is also an excellent place to play with and practice using your BPI meditation tools. YOB veterans are also welcome!

Explore the YOB page for more offerings & healing packages

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from $40.00
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