One To One Weekend Retreat

Thank you for your interest in our OTO Weekend Retreat!

Please register at the bottom of this page, and please read on for information about this event

The OTO Weekend Retreat is a co-created space for OTO participants, with costs for the event space and meals shared by attendees. Meal preparation and clean-up are also group activities.

Sleeping arrangements at the retreat location are often limited, but nearby accommodations are often available.

Estimated Cost Details

  • Meal costs are estimated to be around $75/person

  • Included meals are Friday dinner, Saturday lunch, Saturday dinner, and Sunday lunch

  • The cabin cleaning fee of ~$150 is shared among all attendees

  • If you stay at the cabin overnight, it is $25/person/night

  • You are welcome to stay at the cabin on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday night (the retreat ends Sunday morning, but many folks enjoy staying an extra day)

  • So, if there are five attendees for the retreat, and you stay in the cabin Friday and Saturday, the cost is likely ~$155 (which is $75 from food, $30 for cleaning, and $50 for two nights)

  • If you attend the weekend and stay offsite, the cost is likely ~$100 for your share of food and cleaning

When registering, please also email OTO Staff to confirm your interest.

Also, please note that your registration is incomplete until you have received your order number on the Order Summary screen (i.e. you still need to “purchase” the retreat, even though it has no cost).

OTO Weekend Retreat

This form is for registration for the annual OTO Weekend Retreat.

Costs for the event space and meals are shared by attendees.

Please contact to confirm eligibility and availability.

Thank you!