Women’s Sanctuary
Hello, Psychic Women! This page is for you
Explore below to get involved, to find support for your growth periods, and to discover upcoming women’s events & offerings
Women's Creative Tea
This is a space for active Graduates and CV students to run female creative energy and get hellos
Women's Resources
Visit here to discover various resources for women, including healing clinics, readings, and other offerings
Women's Healing Packages
Would you like support on your current growth period or to sign up for a Women’s Healing Package?
Women's Staffing
Spaces and places you can attend and staff to create and get your mock-ups and be supported
Women's Community & Involvement
Are you looking to get involved and to co-create with your psychic community?
Women's Retreats
Do you enjoy pampering your body and spirit? Are you excited to go on adventures with other psychic women?