Women’s Creative Tea

Women’s Creative Tea

Women’s Creative Teas are a 90 minute psychic community space for active women members: Graduates & Clairvoyant Program Students.

Come say hello to grounding your ovaries, running female creative energy while being in communication with other women.

The Flow

  • Find your space, run energy (20 min), and join group female mediation (15 min).

  • Check-in. Share your brags, challenges and mock-ups. Listen and blow roses while other women share. (20 min)

  • Join a room to trade 5 minute readings on topic of your choice (15 min + )

  • Tea time Social chat (15 minutes or until we are ready to move on.)

Hello Graduate Women!

We are currently in creation mode!

What’s your mock-up?

What do you want to see created as we are Grounding a New days and Times.

Some options I’ve seen include:

  • In Person only, at each institute

  • Online Only, all institutes

  • or Hybrid

  • Quarterly 1/2 day events and excursions to parks, movies, shopping and lunch also light up

Crown ownership staffing opportunities:

Any of the roles below can be combined to match your mock-ups.

  • Crown: Set Energy of space, Communicate with Chancellor, set schedule, Open the Room

  • Host: Greet, create breakout rooms, time keeping (Adv CV or Grad with the mock-up)

  • Meditation Lead: Give 20 minute getting here Female Meditation (Student Teacher or Grad of Teaching Program)

Email bpiwomenschancellor@gmail.com to get an energy check on your mock-up.

About our Women’s Creative Teas

Women's Creative tea is envisioned as a monthly psychic fellowship, lightly social, grounded female gathering where Active female members of CDM/BPI can come together in community, ground their ovaries, run their energy, laugh, and say hello to their own vibration of Creative Energy, their creativity - (Creative tea) and work energy on any area of their life, or simply co-create, craft, write, and chat.

Currently this space is taking a step up and being re-created. If you have a mock-up to be part of creating, crowning, or have mock-ups for what you would enjoy experiencing in this space, please contact Rev. Shareen (bpiwomenschancellor@gmail.com)

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